What to do with green tomatoes?

Sliced green tomatoes on a plate

If you’ve ever stared at a batch of green tomatoes and wondered what on Earth to do with them, you’re not alone. These brave little gems might not be ripe, but they have much going for them. With their tangy flavor and firm texture, green tomatoes can be surprisingly versatile and a bit of a … Read more

15 Sweetest Cherry Tomatoes to Grow in Your Garden

Sweet tomatoes growing in my garden

There is something uniquely gratifying about cultivating your garden, mainly when it involves growing your food. Among the variety of vegetables that amateur and professional gardeners enjoy growing, tomatoes – specifically, cherry tomatoes – are a popular choice. These bite-sized fruits not only add a burst of flavor and color to your meals but also … Read more

What is a White Carrot?

A white and orange carrot side by side

Carrots come in many colors. You might be familiar with orange carrots, but did you know that carrots can also be white, yellow, red, or purple? In this blog post, I’ll be taking a closer look at white carrots—where they come from and how they differ from their orange cousins. So, without further ado, let’s … Read more

How to harvest Zinnia seeds

Beautiful Zinnia Flowers

If you’re looking for a flower that exudes beauty and resilience, look no further than the zinnia. As a passionate gardener, I have always been drawn to these vibrant blooms, and I am constantly in awe of their ability to brighten up any garden. The zinnia is a celebration of life in bloom. Its vibrant … Read more

How to dry thyme (3 easy methods)

Home dried thyme

Thyme is a beloved herb, essential in cooking around the world. Belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae), it is a perennial herb known for its wonderful earthy, herbaceous flavor and delicate pale green leaves. It holds up exceptionally well to long cooking times or high temperatures—exactly what one needs to give depth and complexity to … Read more

Do Birds Eat Tomatoes?

Do birds eat tomatoes?

Spring is in the air, and with it comes the beautiful sound of chirping birds. But sometimes that peace is interrupted by the sight of a bird attacking your tomatoes. So do birds eat tomatoes? Yes, they do! Tomatoes are juicy fruits, so if a bird is thirsty it might be more likely to attack … Read more

Green Seeds in Tomatoes

Green seeds in tomatoes

Have you ever seen a green tomatoe? It’s not as uncommon as you might think. Some tomatoes have green seeds even when they are fully ripe. The color of a tomato is determined by the presence of a pigment called lycopene, which is not fully developed in unripe tomatoes. As the tomato continues to ripen, … Read more

Bumps on Tomato Stems: Causes and Solutions

White bumps on tomato stems

If you’re seeing bumps or galls on the stems of your tomato plants, don’t worry – you’re not alone! This is a common problem that many gardeners face. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of bumps on tomato stems and provide solutions to help you get your plants back on track. What … Read more