Growing Cherry Tomatoes in Pots

Growing cherry tomatoes in pots can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only are they a delicious and healthy addition to your diet, but they are also relatively easy to grow. With some care and attention, you can quickly grow cherry tomatoes in your backyard!

Homeowners and green thumbs like me often lack the space necessary to grow all the fruits and vegetables they want. While this can be difficult to reconcile, solutions still allow you to grow what you want and where you want.

Growing cherry tomatoes in pots is an excellent option for those with limited space! Not only are cherry tomatoes relatively easy to grow, but they also do not require a lot of space.

Here is everything you need to know about growing cherry tomatoes in pots.

Why Grow Cherry Tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes are a great addition to any garden. They are incredibly versatile and can be used in various dishes. They also have several health benefits. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, and also contain vitamins A and K. Cherry tomatoes are also a good source of fiber and potassium.

The different types of Cherry Tomatoes

There are two main types of cherry tomatoes: determinate and indeterminate.

Determinate varieties are more easily grown in containers or raised beds. Indeterminate varieties go wild in the garden and require a lot of space and care. However, choosing a suitable variety will affect how you plant your tomatoes. These are great, sweet, cheery tomatoes to grow in your garden.

Determinate Tomatoes

Determinate varieties of tomatoes are compact plants that produce fruit over several weeks and then stop growing.

They don’t need as much pruning or staking as indeterminate varieties, making them ideal for container gardening or small spaces.

These are the best cherry tomatoes for growing them in a pot.

Indeterminate Tomatoes

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes continue growing and producing fruit until frost kills the plants.

They can get huge—up to 10 feet tall!—and require a lot of space and care. Indeterminate tomatoes should be planted in rows at least eight feet apart on the prepared ground.

These plants will need to be staked or trellised to support their heavy fruit production, and it is not recommended to grow them in smaller pots in your garden. 

How to Grow Cherry Tomatoes in Pots?

Growing cherry tomatoes in pots is relatively straightforward. All you need is a pot at least 12 inches deep, some potting soil, and some fertilizer. You will also need to choose a sunny spot for your pot. Once you have your supplies, you can begin planting your cherry tomatoes!

Starting your cherry tomatoes from seed? You’ll want to start those tomato seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost. And for fall varieties? Plant a few months before the first frost. Both will need deep holes, at least 10 inches down, for solid root growth and nutrient uptake. 

To plant your cherry tomatoes, simply fill your pot with potting soil and add your tomato plants. Space them out evenly so that each plant has room to grow. Once you have planted your cherry tomatoes, water them well and place them in the sunny spot you have chosen.

Cherry tomato plants need to be watered regularly. During the summer months, you will likely need to water them every day. Check the soil before watering to ensure it is not already saturated. If your plant’s leaves begin to turn yellow, this is a sign that it is not getting enough water.

Fertilizing your cherry tomato plants is also important. You should fertilize them every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer. Be sure to follow the directions on the fertilizer label carefully so that you do not over- or under-fertilize your plants.

Harvesting Your Cherry Tomatoes

Your cherry tomatoes will be ready to harvest when they are bright red and firm to the touch. To harvest them, cut or twist them off of the plant. Depending on the variety of cherry tomatoes you are growing, they may be ready to harvest anywhere from 60 to 80 days after planting.

Health benefits of eating Cherry Tomatoes

1. Cherry tomatoes are a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Cherry tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A, C, and K and potassium, magnesium, and iron. They also contain small amounts of other nutrients, such as calcium, phosphorus, and manganese.

2. Cherry tomatoes can help improve your cardiovascular health.

The antioxidants in cherry tomatoes can help protect your heart and blood vessels from damage. Additionally, the potassium content of cherry tomatoes can help lower blood pressure by reducing the amount of sodium in the body.

3. Cherry tomatoes can help boost your immune system.

Vitamin C is a well-known immune booster, and cherry tomatoes are an excellent source of this vitamin. Additionally, the antioxidants in cherry tomatoes can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

4. Cherry tomatoes can help you lose or maintain a healthy weight.

Cherry tomatoes are low in calories but high in fiber, making them an excellent food for those trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, their high water content can help keep you feeling full and satisfied after eating.

How to Grow Cherry Tomatoes in Pots

Me holding some home grown cherry tomatoes


  • First, you will need some small pots. Cherry tomatoes do not require large amounts of soil, so any sort of pot will do.
  • Second, you will need some high-quality potting soil. This is important because cherry tomatoes need nutrient-rich soil in order to thrive.
  • Third, you will need a source of water. Make sure that whatever source of water you use is consistent—cherry tomatoes do not like fluctuating levels of moisture.
  • Finally, you will need some tomato plants. Be sure to select a plant that is labeled “determinate” or “compact”—these varieties have been bred specifically for small spaces.


  1. Fill your pots with potting soil, leaving about an inch of space at the top of the pot. Gently pat down the soil so that it is compacted but not too dense—cherry tomato plants need room to breathe!
  2. Carefully remove your tomato plant from its container and loosen up the root ball before planting it in the pot. Once the plant is in the pot, fill in around it with more potting soil until the root ball is completely covered. Gently pat down the soil again.
  3. Water your plant well, making sure to saturate the root ball completely. Once the root ball is saturated, allow the excess water to drain away before moving on to step 4. 
  4. Place your pots in an area that receives full sun for at least six hours per day—cherry tomatoes love sunshine! If you live in an area with very hot summers, you may want to place your pots in a spot that receives afternoon shade so that your plants do not get overheated. 


That’s all there is to it! With just a few supplies and some simple steps, you can easily grow delicious cherry tomatoes right in your own home—no garden necessary! So why not give it a try? We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy and rewarding growing cherry tomatoes can be!

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